Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Its All About the Tanktop!!

Someone on Facebook sent me a very nice message yesterday, just patting me on the back for not giving up and recommitting myself to this whole exercise/eating healthy thing.

I can't tell you how much any type of enouragement means to me. ..its like my drug that keeps me going.

Next she said to me is that regardless of weightloss, I must just feel so much better than I did before.

Guess what?  I didn't feel so bad before.  Really.  

I wasn't anymore tired or perky than I am now (ok, maybe a little more tired now because I still go to bed ridiculously late and get up super early to workout) and while admittedly staying away from greasy and fried foods has been the biggest gift to my digestive system, its not like I feel this miraculous health improvement than before.

Maybe had I felt crappy, I would have been more motivated to lose weight earlier, and to stick with it.  My doctors have always commented that I was one of the healthiest overweight people they saw.

So, what keeps me going if not the huge inside health effects that I don't necessarily feel?  Now, don't read this wrong and get all fiesty and think that I am saying healthy eating and exercising is not any more or less healthy than eating the voluminous amounts of junk food I was previously eating.  I am NOT saying that.  I clearly know that eating right and exercising is such a better choice -I am merely saying that I wasn't feeling so awful before that I feel so amazing now.  I kinda feel the same.  But I AM LOOKING DIFFERENT.

And that my friends is what keeps me going.  The smaller bra size.  The smaller pants size.  The loss of a few of my chins.  That is what allowed me to get my tush out of bed this morning and workout out at 6:15am.  That and the fact that I am not in my tanktop. . .yet.


  1. You're very motivating Meryl! Sometimes when I don't want to work out I think about your posts for the day and it gives me that extra little nudge to get my rear in gear. There's nothing easier or more delicious than letting yourself give up, and the fact that you haven't is inspiring. Go go go!

  2. You know, I find the stories of people with ups and downs MORE inspiring than a simple "I lost all this weight--HOORAY!" It's getting through the struggles that make a story inspiring, and you haven't given up--take pride in that!! I'm so excited to follow your journey on here :)
