One of the things I noticed just today is that I wake up more energized and ready to go. I rarely have pressed snooze in the last 3 weeks and I feel like my sleep is better. Not that I ever noticed a problem in my sleep, but I always pressed snooze a bazillion times and I haven't felt the need to lately.
I am definitely hungry, but NOT AS HUNGRY. I definitely still enjoy snacks, but I DON'T FEEL AS SNACKY AS I PREVIOUSLY did.
I am not intentionally staying away from crap food, but I find myself just not craving it nearly as often. Does that mean I don't eat any sweets or chips? Absolutely not, just not nearly as much or as often. Usually a taste satisfies me and I have no need for anything more. I find that if anything, I crave food, like real food instead of desserts.
I am down 5 pounds and 9.75 inches in 3 weeks and I am certainly not complaining at all.
Some other changes - I have not had diet coke or any other iced tea or coffee with any artificial sweeteners in it for 3 weeks and I don't find I miss it as much as I thought. In truth, I also haven't met any friends at Starbucks lately, so not exactly sure what my drink of choice will be then, but I will figure out something. . .
My water intake has increased drastically - while I don't drink 1/2 my weight every day (how can people be THAT thirsty all the time???), I do drink an average of 70 ounces-80 ounces every day which is far far better then I was previously.
And guess what??? I earned $5 back on my purchases!! Yep - never in my life with all the MLMs I have ever been a part of , have I had such a wonderfully easy and generous compensation structure! While I did not become an Ambassador to earn income (I became an Ambassador as the products cost less for me that way), I was thrilled and excited to see a little bit of a return on my own purchases!!
You can always check out the products and ask me any questions you want - always happy to share things that I love!