Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pink Drink - Days 14-24

So, what has changed for me in the last 3 weeks since starting Plexus Slim and the Accelerator?  While I haven't won the lottery and I am still short and fat and not tall and thin, I still think there have been lots of wonderful changes that absolutely led me to purchasing another month's worth of Plexus products.

One of the things I noticed just today is that I wake up more energized and ready to go.  I rarely have pressed snooze in the last 3 weeks and I feel like my sleep is better.  Not that I ever noticed a problem in my sleep, but I always pressed snooze a bazillion times and I haven't felt the need to lately.

I am definitely hungry, but NOT AS HUNGRY.  I definitely still enjoy snacks, but I DON'T FEEL AS SNACKY AS I PREVIOUSLY did.

I am not intentionally staying away from crap food, but I find myself just not craving it nearly as often.  Does that mean I don't eat any sweets or chips?  Absolutely not, just not nearly as much or as often.  Usually a taste satisfies me and I have no need for anything more.  I find that if anything, I crave food, like real food instead of desserts.

I am down 5 pounds and 9.75 inches in 3 weeks and I am certainly not complaining at all.

Some other changes - I have not had diet coke or any other iced tea or coffee with any artificial sweeteners in it for 3 weeks and I don't find I miss it as much as I thought.  In truth, I also haven't met any friends at Starbucks lately, so not exactly sure what my drink of choice will be then, but I will figure out something. . .

My water intake has increased drastically - while I don't drink 1/2 my weight every day (how can people be THAT thirsty all the time???), I do drink an average of 70 ounces-80 ounces every day which is far far better then I was previously.

And guess what??? I earned $5 back on my purchases!!  Yep - never in my life with all the MLMs I have ever been a part of , have I had such a wonderfully easy and generous compensation structure! While I did not become an Ambassador to earn income (I became an Ambassador as the products cost less for me that way), I was thrilled and excited to see a little bit of a return on my own purchases!!

You can always check out the products and ask me any questions you want - always happy to share things that I love! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pink Drink - Days 4 thru 13

I am in the middle of Week 2 of Plexus Slim plus Accelerator and it is early in the game, but I think I found my happy drink. . .

There is no question that I am not as hungry/snacky while taking these products.  No ifs, ands or buts about it.  And other then 3 times over the last 13 days I have not had anything other then water and with nothing added to it.  I drink an average of 80-90 ounces of water a day - I can't quite get to 100 ounces, but that is more then 1/2 my body weight anyways - for the moment I am shooting for between 85 and 90 ounces.

Some highlights of the last week: 
1) one day I had a rather crappy day, missed lunch and when I was first able to eat, I was ravenous. . .normally I would have eaten anything and everything, but I didn't.  I made good healthy choices and didn't even have mental gymnastics about;
2)  I am eating breakfast (ranges from egg beaters, hard boiled eggs, fruit, smoothie, protein bar, yogurt or something similar with fruit, grains and protein) around 8:30-9:30am and not snacky before lunch which is around 12-1 (or if I am, a banana totally satisfies me!) where as in the past I was continually grazing;
3) I have passed on dessert because I just wasn't hungry - not because I didn't think it was "right" or "wrong" to have dessert while on a "diet"
4) the one or two times I have had frozen yogurt over the past 10 days, the cost of the yogurt (you pay by the ounce) is well under what I used to pay for it and my toppings have not been any of the candy and not because I am telling myself it is "wrong" to have, but because I just don't want it;
5) I went out for a late night snack with my daughter and some friends where everyone ordered wings or a burger or a cookie skillet and I was completely satisfied with 3 or 4 small bites of my daughter's cookie skillet towards the end of the meal - I ordered nothing but water because I wasn't hungry;
6) I haven't pressed "snooze" one time on my alarm - when I wake up, I am ready to go for the most part (that is huge from a habitual snoozer);
7) On Sunday my schedule was all messed up and I didn't have enough water or healthy snacks with me and other then slamming a piece of pizza down, I didn't really have lunch.  It was the one day I didn't drink even 1/2 of my water and I had 2 diet cokes and I was definitely more snacky that day then other days - I found that interesting and am maybe a believer in that artificial sweeteners do make you crave sugary crap.

I am still struggling with whether I should track or not track. . .the other day I felt like I was grazing all day, but at the end of the evening when I look at my fitness pal tracker I was close to 200 calories below my target. .so what did I do?  Despite not really being hungry,  I ate those calories because I keep hearing in the back of my head if I eat too few calories my body will go into starvation and I won't lose. ..so I slammed down 200 calories before bed - kinda silly and stupid in the light of day.

So, I think I am going to try to give myself permission not to track and eat when I am hungry and see how that works and only track water (because I am old and forgetful and if I don't track the water I will have no clue how much I have had for the day) with my choice of lots of fun apps to do that on!

And some of you have asked if the drink is gross? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. .its actually quite yummy! Tastes like a cherry tootsie pop to me!!!