As for me, I definitely still get hungry - but less food satisfies me then last week. And I am NOT CRAVING JUNK FOOD at all. That is what is amazing to me! And that whole mental gymnastics of "should I eat that piece of chocolate or not" that I have back and forth a bazillion times has been pretty non-existent since I started on Saturday.
I already shared with you in my previous post that I bypassed ice-cream at the Sugar Bowl restaurant when everyone else had some on Saturday night. My 2nd realization that something is different was on Sunday while teaching my 2nd graders at religious school. I often use little pieces of candy as bribes/rewards - sometimes you just need that on Sunday mornings and this past Sunday was one of those days. . .so whenever a kid got 2 Hebrew letters correct in a row they got a piece of candy thrown at them. Now, secretly I get excited for this part of the day because I always partake in snagging a piece of candy or two (or 3? or 4?) - they are in a huge bag in front of me, how can I not have one? Well, on Sunday I HAD NO CANDY. Seriously,, none. Didn't want one and didn't crave one and didn't have any mental struggle - just didn't want one and I didn't have one. Sadly, I was more worried something was wrong with me then being happy the Plexus must be working!
On Sunday night, I was out dropping my daughter off at a friend's house and my husband asked if I wanted to get something at Frozen Rita's (really yummy frozen custards and frozen ice) and I thought about it and said "nope". I ended up getting him a small frozen custard and nothing for me - both of those things are huge in that he never gets a small and I never get nothing at a dessert place.
So, all in all - something is working and I'm not complaining!!
Now, my struggles are these:
1) The plan says you need to drink 1/2 your body weight in water, up to 100 ounces. . .that is a lot of friggen water I need to drink. I didn't get there on Saturday at all. On Sunday, I probably had 64 ounces but not the 20 more or so I needed. Again, I was close on Monday - but probably should have had an additional 20 ounces. This is hard for me, especially because unlike weight watchers other beverages don't count as your liquid - its water, water, and only water.
2) You can't, or shouldn't, have artificial sweeteners while being on the program. Well - that throws out my iced teas at Starbucks because they don't have any Stevia or Truvia - only the pink, blue and yellow packets. . .but on the flip side, I guess I can't afford to drink anything else then water considering I can't even get those total ounces in. While perusing facebook and online, I did see that Skinny Girl has a new naturally flavored water enhancers out that might make my water drinking a little easier (the vast majority that are sold are all artificially sweetened and I don't want to go that route) - so I will be on the hunt for those as well as try a bottle of stevia that I hear can be helpful in drinking the water.
So, all in all, many more positives then negative - really no negatives, just some struggles that I am confident will be overcome.
But after day 3, I am saying I am happy with what the pink drink is doing!!
The MINUTE MAID water flavorings are sweetened with Stevia, and do NOT have red dye 40 in them.. just FYI.. and I think you are totally fine with a little MIO or other flavoring.. I can NOT stand plain water..
ReplyDeleteAs a sign of gratitude on how my son was saved from autism, i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
ReplyDeleteMy son suffered autism in the year 2013 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, he always have difficulty with communication,and he always complain of poor eye contact . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and they left the contact of this doctor who have the cure to autism . I never imagined autism has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my son will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my son used it and in one months time he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life.autism has a cure and is a herbal cure,you can contact the doctor for more info on drwilliams098675@gmail.com on how to get this medication, Thanks.