Ok, yes, I know its not even 10 pounds yet (have I told you in a week less than me my hubby has lost over 15 pounds on his Caveman diet???), but I lost 3 pounds at my weigh-in on Wednesday and I was really happy. Almost giddy. Yep, giddy over the scale. I know I shouldn't give so much power to that scale, but I do and I was loving the scale on Wednesday. That brings my total loss to 7.6 pounds in 4 weeks. . .just at that .5 - 2 lb weight loss per week that WW says you will be at if you are on program. . .
After WW I celebrated my loss with a yummy lunch at Chipotle. . instead of my usual 7.5 lunch, I will tell you I had a 14 point lunch. But my breakfast was so small (3 egg whites for 1 point and fruit), that was okay and I was virtually (okay, 2-3 points more) around the same place point wise after lunch than if I had my 5 point breakfast and 7 or 8 point lunch. This week what made it 14 points is that I had black beans instead of pinto (forgot that black was 1 point higher) and I had cheese (extra 3 points) and a whole chicken serving instead of half (so 5 points versus 2.5 points). But it was delicious.
But then it bugged me. . .why did I celebrate with food? I am still clearly in that mindset of celebration equals food.. .I mean it was fine to go to lunch with my friend Karen, but why not call it a lunch and eat the same way I had last week? Why call it a celebration and eat more? Yes, I tracked and yes I made conscious choices, but again, why celebrate with food? Hmmm. . .I am sure it just in my DNA and a large (no pun intended) contributor to why I am where I am weight wise.
The rest of the day went by uneventful. . .oh wait, I did make an exciting discovery. Regular sour cream has only 1 point for 2 tablespoons and I have not found anything else yet to be as satisfying on a baked potato. . .I was happy to know that at least in moderation and much more sparingly than before, I don't have to give up my sour cream. And while there are lots of food that can be swapped for light or fat free, sour cream just doesn't cut it for me in that department. Neither does veggie dip for me. . .I need either full fat or no dip at all. ..so I am learning to munch on my raw veggies plain or with salsa for no points. Sometimes I will do 2 tablespoons of hummus with my veggies for a protein filled and low point snack.
I did set my alarm to get up early and workout on Thursday. . .but I didn't. Oh, I got up early alright. . .Allie woke us up at 5am and said her loose tooth HAD to come out NOW (that is Rich's department, so not mine) and even though Rich was the one to deal with it (which it still wasn't loose enough to come out), he got back in bed and was snoring in seconds and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I played on my phone, finished watching Hawaii 5-0 from 3 weeks ago and then realized I was too late to work out. . .
For my late afternoon dairy snack I did have a grande Skinny Cinnamon Dulce Latte from Starbucks for 3 points - it kept me warm while Allie's was playing soccer and satisfied some of my dairy requirements for the day. I figure that 1 cup of skim milk is 2 points and not nearly as satisfying or exciting as my Starbucks drink. ..that was a brilliant move on my part, I think!
I got creative for dinner and had a Morning Star Veggie Griller for 3 points, 1 cup of couscous (7 points) with cilantro, tomatoes and onions all mixed up. . .it was very good and very filling. .
So I am facing a challenge tomorrow (Saturday) night that I am already stressing about. Its an event with my temple, I think its called a Dessert Reception. Do you see the word - DESSERT???
So, do I hope they have fruit and stick to that? Do I carry fruit with me? Do I print off a sheet of every possible dessert on the planet and save 10 points for the end of the day and figure out the points as I see the desserts? Its the first time since I have been on WW that I have been thrown into this situation and I just haven't quite decided the best approach for me yet.
I am trying to look on the positive side. . in the past I probably would have had the attitude "oh, just be careful and do what you want and you can start on program again the next day and just don't track" - this time I have no interest in doing that, I want to stay on program and not set myself up for failure. And really, sweets are a trigger food for me and I'd really prefer to stay away from them. I have managed to stay away from them (other than the WW frozen treat I have at night for 2 or 3 points) and I think that, FOR ME, is a huge part of staying on program. I can't have JUST ONE. Once I have JUST ONE - I want more, and more, and more. . .
And then I kind of think isn't it sad that more than 24 hours before, I am worrying more about the food aspect then looking forward to seeing friends and having a good time.. .but that brings me back full circle and so much of a good time is surrounded by food and how hard will the mental gymnastics being playing in my head when I see the food spread tomorrow evening.
Makes me wonder if all my skinny minny friends who I see rarely touch food at parties (yes, those are the moms that always refuse birthday cake at kids' birthday parties.. .and for the record, I never have yet- I mean, I love cake - well, so long as its butter cream frosting. The whip cream frosting I can say no too...) have mental gymnastics going on in their heads or not. .. probably not and that is why they are naturally thin. I like to refer to as the Thin Gene- you either have it or you don't. I mean overweight people can get thin and work hard towards it -but usually with lots of hard work and self-discipline and mental gymnastics. Those with the Thin Gene just are. . .I'd like to bottle up their DNA and spray some on when it comes to Dessert Receptions.