Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 2 - Sushi, Fro Yo & Movie Popcorn. . .happy dance

To begin with, guess what happened this morning when i woke up?  I WOKE UP HUNGRY.  Ok - that is the first sign I must be eating healthy and eating less because typically I never wake up hungry.  So I have decided that is the tell-tale sign I ate healthy yesterday.

Allie & I decided to have cereal this morning and a grapefruit. . .she opted for a bowl of Lucky Charms (love love that cereal) and i had a cup (notice, NOT A BOWL) of Kashi Good Friends cereal with 1/2 cup of milk and my grapefruit - a wonderful 5 point breakfast!!

I knew I wanted to eat a lighter lunch because I was looking forward to my date with my hubby and some yummy food and movie popcorn (according to the websites, 1 cup of movie popcorn is 1 point - more points then my airpopped or smart pop, but for me, very very worth it to save my points!).

I had a late morning banana for a snack and then we decided we wanted Fro Yo for lunch. . .and this was when it hit me.  I think this time I might be really ready to succeed on WW. . .you know how I know?  I went to my favorite Frozen Yogurt place - Yogurt Builderz and had the most delicious 8 point fro yo (marshmallow and devil's food) that is 1 point per serving (I splurged and had 2 servings as it as my lunch as well).  I was so excited that I could have all the fruit toppings on my fro yo that I wanted, because, wait for it, FRUIT IS FREE OR NO POINTS, that I truly didn't even have to do a lot of mental gymnastics over not putting on the yummy junk food toppings that I normally go for.

Historically, when I am on a diet, I spend so much energy going back and forth in my head as to whether or not to eat something that I typically end up not eating it and splurging on it later.  But this time, I truly didn't even care - I was just so excited to have a really filling and low point lunch of fro yo!

So, by this time I had eaten 7 points and had 22 left to go.  Dinner was a delicious feast of chicken terriyaki (my hubby gave me a great idea to immediately package 1/2 of it to take home because the whole portion was 14 points), sushi, salad & miso soup for  a total of 14 points. 

I had 8 points left for the day and ate every glorious one of them in 8 cups of movie popcorn. . .much less than the amount I would normally consume.  How do I know I ate 8 cups??? Don't laugh - I actually brought a measuring cup and my own paper bag so I could scoop out exactly what I wanted!  I also put some green apple slices in a bag to take in case I wanted something sweet!

All in all I made it through day 2 in good shape.  Have to say, my weakness so far is the liquids. . .I should be consuming way more and I haven't been.  I know that is where I need to step it up because that at least is so helpful in the first few weeks of losing water weight. . .

And by the way.  .my hubby just came to the kitchen to take a handful of chocolate kisses. ..I was a bit envious till I actually paid attention to myself and realized I wasn't hungry. . .WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT. 

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